Safe water for Same
With this project, the SAME Foundation aims to help the local population solve the crucial challenge of access to drinking water, by financing the construction of several drinking water wells.
Through the active involvement of all members of the community, a well management committee is set up, responsible for supervising and maintaining the proper functioning of the water infrastructure.
In 2024, three new wells were built in the villages of Ndevesi and Mangulai and in the village of Mbono, and the well in the village of Ruvu Marwa was completed, bringing to six the number of drinking water wells built by the SAME Foundation in rural areas.
In 2025, the following are planned:
- the new well at Bishop’s House, which will also serve H. Winkelmolen Pre and Primary School and Mother Teresa of Calcuta Girls Secondary School;
- the installation of a filter to desalinate the water from the well in the village of Karamba;
- the installation of solar systems for the wells in the villages of Ruvu Marwa and Mbono.