

Ganassina Farm

Support with the renovation of the Ganassina farm, where Treviglio Agricultural College (Istituto Superiore Agrario “G. Cantoni”) has traditionally held classes.

Solidarietà Passionista

Support for the construction of a hospital at the Zenneti Mission in Tanzania, which also includes a farm which will create opportunities for employment and professional training.

San Raffaele Institute

Research Sars-CoV-2 emergency and prevention of viral hepatitis infections guided by Prof. Guidotti

The Same Diocese

Support to the Catholic diocese of Same, in north-east Tanzania.

Safe water for Same

Help the local population solve the crucial challenge of access to water, by financing the construction of several drinking water wells.

St. Jacobus Secondary School

Support rural progress and technical education in Tanzania

Projects coordination office

In 2024, the office for the coordination of projects, ‘Safe Water’ and initiatives related to agricultural cooperatives was established in the garage of the St. Jacobus Institute.

Trees for Same

An initiative aimed at planting fruit and timber trees, with the objective of distributing them to the rural population.

Training course for farmers of the Same Cooperative (Smart Developing Farm)

Intensive training on the best techniques in agriculture and agribusiness.

Mama Kevina Hope Centre

Financial and logistical support of the Mama Kevina Hope Centre, an important point of reference for about 600 children who face various forms of disability.

H.Winkelmolen Pre and Primary School 

creation of suitable environments at H. Winkelmolen Pre and Primary School, an educational institution of the Diocese of Same.

The Association Il Tetto

Support to the Association fuonded to provide homes to vulnerable families and individuals

San Patrignano

Support for the community for life that welcomes those suffering from drug addiction and marginalization and helps them to once again find their way.

The Italian Environmental Fund (FAI)

Cooperation with FAI, the Italian Environmental Fund, on projects for the protection of Italy's artistic and cultural heritage and landscape.

La Quercia di Mamre ODV

Support for the Quercia di Mamre ODV, the canteen for the needy in Treviglio.

Associazione volontari del Trasporto Solidale – ODV

Support for volunteers of the association organising services geared towards the residents of the municipality of Treviglio.

Comunità alloggio Margherita – Fondazione Monsignor Portaluppi – Risorsa sociale Gera d’Adda

Educational community for minors that is proposed as a residential educational service.

Treviglio Hospital

Clinical senology and mammography screening

Scholarships and trip to Tanzania for Cantoni Agricultural Institute students

The SAME Foundation provided scholarships to deserving students at the Istituto Agrario Cantoni in Treviglio (BG) and helped to raise awareness of projects in the Diocese of Same in Tanzania.

Support for women in Bukavu – Democratic Republic of Congo

The project promotes the development of a women's agricultural cooperative.